Try the Buddha Patch!

Once autonomous weapon systems (robots, drones, etc.) are commoditized and omnipresent, many private and public groups will arm their supporters with killer bots. Communities already impoverished by AI and robotics automation will become even more dangerous. Expect chronic political-backed robot gangwars, where attributing the source of rampant violence becomes nearly impossible.
The case for a truly decentralized web - from the lowest hardware layer up - has never been more clear
The study of self-organizing systems that exhibit intelligent behavior is too heavily focused on linear-time-bound causal cases. The real mystery lies in timeless, acausal phenomena like time crystals. Next gen post-computation systems embrace the eternal paradox at their core.
When you stand you are like a tree You are growing from within Your feet, like roots, draw power from the earth Your body, like the trunk, is perfectly aligned You are unmoving, strong Your head, like the crown of the tree, opens to the heavens You rest calmly, the universe within your mind - Master Lam Kam Chuen
What do you do when you have freed yourself of all desire except the desire to be free from desire?
Despite a trillion dollar invested in AI healthcare tech globally this year, its impact may pale in comparison to the power of nature’s ancient medicines once they gain mainstream adoption & culture shifts.
“Nothing outside yourself can cause any trouble. You yourself make the waves in your mind. If you leave your mind as it is, it will become calm. This mind is called big mind.” ― Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice
"How to make sure you never get reincarnated on planet earth ever again please i can not OMFG"
The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen by Reinhard Gehlen (1972)
"Our suspicions were largely confirmed when, independently of one another, we found out that Bormann and his group were operating an unsupervised radio transmitter network and using it to send coded messages to Moscow. When OKW monitors reported this, Canaris demanded an investigation; but word came back that Hitler himself had emphatically forbidden any intervention: he had been informed in advance of these Funkspiele, or "fake radio messages," and he had approved them" (p.71).
Chinese cyber association calls for review of Intel products sold in China
"China's CSAC says Intel products pose national security risks"