
Standing waves is a wave that oscillates in time but whose peak amplitude profile does not move in space. They are formed by the superposition of two travelling waves of the same frequency travelling in opposite directions.
With 60% of the human body made up of water, it’s surprising how little we’ve explored standing waves and resonance effects within the body. This field seems to be in its infancy.
Breakthrough negotiations are underway at the Gnome DeCentral Bank (GDB)
To the attentive mind, snowflake observation sparks deep questions about the nature of life & reality.
In the decades ahead, scientists will acknowledge that at the center of the decentralized hologram we call reality is a paradoxical, none-computational black hole, transforming everything into nothing and back again.
The tips of two aspen trees catch the last light of day, showcasing their beautiful fall color in a forest full of trees mostly stripped of leaves.
In a study published in Nature, they investigated spirally stacked tungsten disulfide (WS2) crystals and discovered that, by twisting these layers, light could be used to manipulate electrons. The result is analogous to the Coriolis force, which curves the paths of objects in a rotating frame, like how wind and ocean currents behave on Earth. "What we discovered is that by simply twisting the material, we could control how electrons move,"