Use the Dragon Gate’s Core Methods to transcend the Gateless Gate and become a modern wizard.

"It is far superior to know that one does not know, as it is a sickness to confuse one’s ignorance for knowledge. Only when one becomes sick of this sickness will one cease to be sick. " - Dao De Jing 71
Quantum Physics will be ridiculed by our children.
"Not only is it not right, it's not even wrong." - Wolfgang Pauli
Confused about the state of global affairs? Don't worry. It is the year of the dragon and we are in charge now.
It is peculiar to see large parts of today's AI vanguard fervently resurrecting the "cognitive architecture" frameworks of the 1970s, a forgotten chapter for many. Will things follow a similar trajectory as Japan's "fifth-generation computing" project toke in the 1980's?
莊子 Zhuang Zhou-「坐忘」冥想法 Sitting and Forgetting Meditation
《莊子 大宗師》 Zhuangzi
Continuously relax your body until you lose the feeling of your body.
Continuously ignore and get rid of all messages from your body (including your ears, eyes, thoughts, etc.), and until losing all thoughts and concepts.
At last, you will be united with the Tao, that is, sitting and forgetting.
The Ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos = sequential, quantitative time & Kairos = fluctuating, qualitative time
China opened 2,776 km of new high-speed rail lines in 2023 alone, which is the equivalent of Japan's entire High Speed Rail system. Its total High Speed Rail now stands at 45,000km or 2/3rds of the global total. It intends to reach 70,000 km of HSR by 2035.
The distinction between a "belief system" and "knowledge system" maybe cast in story-song terms.
The story "goes"; the song "echoes".
Part of a song can bring joys an unfinished story can't.
There are some "true stories", but no dilemmas of whether a song is "true" or "false".