"International Conference Consciousness and Physical Reality" is happening online 13-14 April 2024

"International Conference Consciousness and Physical Reality" is happening online 13-14 April 2024
Practicing Zhan Zhuang and one-pointed attention leads to profound tranquillity that will completely reconstitute your being. The fabric of reality starts to readjust and things start to magically fall in place.
The term Zhan Zhuang means to stand like a stake or tree and is used to describe any of the standing exercises that come from the Chinese internal arts. These standing exercises consist of holding one posture or stance for a prolonged period. They are characterized by stillness, mind and spirit training. The stillness of the body calms and stabilizes the mind and the holding of a stance or body shape develops deep structure within the body as the bones, muscles, tissues, fluids and sinews settle.
Visualizations are sometimes employed to create sensations or to enable the body to relax further and longer. The psychic abilities and pre-cognitive abilities are sometimes summoned or worked on also. Zhan Zhuang has sometimes been seen as a resource for learning and augmenting psychic or mystic skills. But, it is best applied to boosting health and well-being.
In general, Zhan Zhuang is about the mind learning to be still and calm whilst luminous and aware. Tremendous neijin or inner power can be achieved through the rigorous practice of Zhan Zhuang, as well as a good “earthing” or rooting. For optimising musculoskeletal alignments, fortifying the immune system, detoxifying the body and emotional and psychic cleansing – Zhan Zhuang cannot be bettered. Overall, Zhan Zhuang is arguably the most essential internal method for gaining profound abilities and inner peace. Most of the great masters of internal gong fu practised at least some method of Zhan Zhuang or incorporated Zhan Zhuang into their studies at some juncture. (source)
Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness and the Self - by Subhash Kak
"Consciousness is not computable. But this does not mean that AI machines will not displace humans from most jobs. And even if machines did not become conscious, there will be increasing tendency on the part of humans to treat them as if they were conscious."
Consciousness “it is impossible to specify what it is, what it does, or why it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written on it.” Stuart Sutherland, 1989, International Dictionary of Psychology
A Mind/Brain/Matter Model Consistent with Quantum Physics and UFO phenomena
"At the level of the collective human species unconscious, the psychokinesis is sufficient to materialize symbolic tulpoids thought forms, given a sufficient stress stimulus in large groups.. the author shows that most major UFO waves in the literature precisely fit the model."
The effect of stress on biophotons
"Popp also examined the effects of stress. In a stressed state, the rate of biophoton emissions goes up — a defense mechanism designed to restore the patient’s equilibrium."
Ease your mind and let you body unwide.
When free from the meddling of the mind, the body can ease into an unwind/release-mode. This can be achieved easiest via non-directive/do nothing meditation. Once the i is out of the way, the body can make the intuitive movements to restore itself towards natural, perfect posture.
"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit." - B.K.S. Iyengar
Genome-wide sperm DNA methylation changes after 3 months of exercise training in humans
Exercise can affect your unborn children's genes by altering the chemistry of DNA in sperm and egg cells. Aerobic exercise for 3 months altered sperm DNA by silencing genes linked to the risk of autism, OCD, Alzheimer’s, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
This is called transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Animal studies have shown that exercise-induced genetic changes are a direct factor driving beneficial changes to offspring’s brain physiology, cognition, neurogenesis, & mitochondrial activity.
“Hang the Flesh off the Bones”: Cultivating an “Ideal Body” in Taijiquan and Neigong
Abstract: In a globalized, media-driven society, people are being exposed to different cultural and philosophical ideas. In Europe, the School of Internal Arts (pseudonym) follows key principles of the ancient Chinese text The Yijinjing (The Muscle-Tendon Change Classic) “Skeleton up, flesh down”, in its online and offline pedagogy. This article draws on an ongoing ethnographic, netnographic and cross-cultural investigation of the transmission of knowledge in this atypical association that combines Taijiquan with a range of practices such as Qigong, body loosening exercises and meditation. Exploring the ideal body cultivated by the students, we describe and illustrate key (and often overlooked) body areas—namely the spine, scapula, Kua and feet, which are continually worked on in the School of Internal Arts’ exercise-based pedagogy. We argue that Neigong and Taijiquan, rather than being forms of physical education, are vehicles for adult physical re-education. This re-education offers space in which mind-body tension built over the life course are systematically released through specific forms of attentive, meditative exercise to lay the foundations for a strong, powerful body for martial artistry and health.