Cryptochrome is the preferred method of value exchange on the complex networks of spaceship earth.
Talk is cheap: rediscovering sounds made by plants
Plants emit sounds, but this does not necessarily mean that somebody is listening to them or is even interested in what they have to say. Even our joints produce acoustic emissions, and this is especially true for those of us well over our 50s. As an example, knees produce acoustic emissions that orthopedics can use as biomarkers for a quantitative assessment of joint aging and degeneration, just like plant physiologists can use plant-emitted UAEs to assess the occurrence of drought stress. Then the question is: when we hike or run in the forest, shall we worry about predators outside listening to acoustic emissions from our knees to identify an older human for an easy dinner? Possible, in principle, but still awaiting experimental demonstration.
"The only thing that an artist can do to be understood is to be sincere." - Andrei Tarkovsky
The hallmark of an exceptional book in 2024 is when every second paragraph propels you to search the web, only to find no existing search results.
Everybody should be forced to watch 4h of uncensored video from within a industrial "meat packing" factory. Seeing the shocking conditions, violence and suffering behind the global animal slaughter industry would drastically change most people's diets in record time.
Feds charge Japanese Yakuza leader with nuclear materials trafficking
Federal prosecutors in New York said they charged a Japanese Yakuza leader with conspiring to traffic nuclear materials from Burma to other countries. Prosecutors said the accused gangster, Takeshi Ebisawa, “and his confederates showed samples of nuclear materials in Thailand” to an undercover agent from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. “A U.S. nuclear forensic laboratory later analyzed the samples and confirmed that the samples contain uranium and weapons-grade plutonium,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Manhattan said.
In ancient times, the the Minute was divided into 18 Helek, and the Second was not used until much later, perhaps the 16th Century. The Helek was 3.333 recurring of today’s seconds – which is the time it takes the Earth to rotate 1/72nd of a degree. One beat per Helek corresponds to 0.3 vibrations-per-second - also known as Hertz (Hz)