Genius give, him prize money

In Chinese mythology, Yaoshou 藥獸 is a kind of divine beast with healing powers. It has an ox body, wears human clothes and a human hat, and looks like a doctor. It is said that if a person is sick and whispers his symptom to Yaoshou, Yaoshou will pick the right herb to cure him.
A secret of happiness is: Spend less time with humans & more with trees.
It's a funny reality we live in - we're born, we mess up a bunch of stuff and shortly after we die."Drink up! Life is short, but pussy is eternal!" - Quote from Paprika, 1991 Italian film by Tinto Brass
The Roots of Winston Churchill's V
Winston Churchill's famously photgraphed 'V' hand gesture was at the instruction of Aleister Crowley, to beat the Nazis. Ian Fleming, creator and author of James Bond, was a very good friend of Aleister Crowley, who introduced him to Winston Churchill, the British wartime Prime Minister. It was Aleister Crowley that inducted Churchill into magick and ritual, of which the Nazis were already involved. It was Crowley that instructed Churchill to be photographed as much as possible, flashing the V's. He taught that the gesture is the physical variant of the magical sigil of Apophis-Typhon (APEP), a symbol of destruction and annihilation which is capable of defeating the solar energy represented by the Swastika. APEP also happens to be the name of the 3 rockets that NASA fired into the total eclipse, a Masonic ritual that symbolised 'man's technology defeating the solar energy of God'.
Contemplate what this remark might mean in the age of closed Generative AI owned big corporations
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” - George Orwell, 1984 🤡🤡🤡
The public hasn't fully grasped that photo & video evidence is now unreliable due to AI-generated fakes. Crime scene photos, blackmail footage, surveillance videos—all can be faked. Now, all visual evidence requires costly forensic analysis to be trusted. Profound implications.
The two-eyed man: "In the country of the blind, the one-eyed people run things, and the two-eyed people are in for a rough time!"
Many are feverishly working towards fully AI Generated audiovisual media. The more exciting opportunity that most are missing, is creating AI audiences that consume the endless synthetic content - so humans can go to the forest with friends and enjoy the peace.
Reminder to self: The reason to keep posting stuff online after all this time - despite all channels being horrible cesspools - is to make that one special person smile & think, who has been silently paying attention for years or just spotted the signal. I salute you stranger 🙏
The one thing the army of genius defense intelligence analysts, big tech strategists, financial risk management specialists, psyops hypnotists and noosphere network state operatives do not comprehended: Silence is bliss.
“You always show up with the rain and once it stops, are gone again.” - Art & Poem by Lily Seika Jones