I Ching and DNA

"What do you know about the 7th sense. Unless you understand you will not be brought into the control group. Very few people understand." -Dr. Eric Walker, Majestic 12 member
ALEPH-7 - 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-n-propylthioamphetamine - Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal
EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: This drug was the first definition of the term, Beth state.
There is something of the Fourier Transform in any and all drug experiments. A psychedelic drug experience is a complex combination of many signals going all at the same time. Something like the sound of an oboe playing the notes of the A-major scale. There are events that occur in sequence, such as the initial A, followed by B, followed by C-sharp and on and on. That is the chronology of the experience, and it can be written down as a series of perceived phenomena. The notes of the scale. Black quarter notes, with flags at the tops of their staffs, going up the page of music.
But within each of these single events, during the sounding of the note “A,” for example, there is a complex combination of harmonics being produced at the same time, including all components from the fundamental oscillation on up through all harmonics into the inaudible. This mixture defines the played instrument as being an oboe. Each component may be shared by many instruments, but the particular combination is the unique signature of the oboe.
This analogy applies precisely to the study of psychedelic drugs and their actions. Each drug has a chronology of effect, like the notes of the A-major scale. But there are many components of a drug’s action, like the harmonics from the fundamental to the inaudible which, taken in concert, defines the drug. With musical instruments, these components can be shown as sine waves on an oscilloscope. One component, 22%, was a sine wave at a frequency of 1205 cycles, and a phase angle of +55°. But in psychopharmacology? There is no psychic oscilloscope. There are no easily defined and measured harmonics or phase angles. Certainly, any eventual definition of a drug will require some such dissection into components each of which makes some contribution to the complex whole. The mental process may some day be defined by a particular combination of these components. And one of them is this Beth state. It is a state of uncaring, of anhedonia, and of emotionlessness.
Many drugs have a touch of this Beth state, ALEPH-7 more than most. If a sufficient alphabet of effects (I am using the Alephs, Beths, Gimels, and Daleths of the Hebrew as token starters only) were to be accumulated and defined, the actions of new materials might someday be more exactly documented. Could depression, euphoria, and disinhibition for example, all be eventually seen as being made up of their component parts, each contributing in some measured way to the sum, to the human experience? The psychologists of the world would be ecstatic. And drugs such as ALEPH-7 might be useful in helping to define one of these parts.
Dr. Joseph Murphy’s methods were simple but profound:
He called these the “switches” to unlock your mind’s power.
Anomalous Psychedelic Experiences: At the Neurochemical Juncture of the Humanistic and Parapsychological - Fun story on that time Sasha Shulgin stumbled upon a compound that imparted telekinetic powers.
It was at a conference we organised in Bath, UK, in 2004. There is an audio recording of it kicking about (on CD) where he discusses this but gives the wrong name but the right chemical structure for the compound.
"Another experiment that is in the area of the consciousness was, oh, maybe 20, 25 years ago. I had made some sulphur compounds, one of them in the area that I called Ariadne's, and this went on one experiment modest, modestly heavy doses. Matter of fact, I found myself in a state of bliss. Here's a state of consciousness which is its own little world. And bliss. As I defined it, there was complete control of the outside world. Complete control of everything around me. The ability to do anything I wish to do & get away with it. I remember at one point I was up near the garage and there was a sack of concrete there, & I wondered if the bottom of the sack of concrete had gotten wet when some water had run. So I turned the concrete sack upside down to look at the bottom of it. No water. Put it back down again. There's a big tangled bunch of garden hose over here. And I took that garden hose and I untangled it completely, and then I entangled it up again so no one would see anything different. I never went near it. I did it from a distance. I was able to do anything. Anything at all. And what I did then was to see a cat up on the side of the hill. One of our feral cats. I looked at the cat. The cat looked at me and ran away. No. No. No comment from me at all."
Later, when Sahsa was asked which comound it was that made hve telekinesis, he said it ene of the Ariadnes (possibly 2, 3, or 4) and (and this may mean ti was a different compound) it had a sulpher and a alpha methyl group!! He went on "the situation was I could make anything happen. I could make pinecones fall off of a tree. A complete power, a weird state of consciousness. Then it occurred to me. What if this were to last? How do you get rid of this? And I had no idea how to stop the bliss." "Then I had the horrible feeling. How do you get out of the state of bliss? And I didn't know how to stop it & I thought horribly to myself. What if I were in a bliss state for the rest of my life? And scary. And eventually the drug wore off. It wore off & I became normal again."
"But this was another example of consciousness as a chemical experiment that could lead to consciousness study." He ultimately said that it was "An Amphetamine with a sulphur over here and an alpha-methyl group" Perhaps this is 2C-T-8 ... he's a bit vague, and his flase teeth kept falling out ... but what a wonderful man. Bless that wizard!
Islamic mathematicians & artists discovered the "Penrose tilings" of Quasicrystals hundreds of years before western scientists.
Image 1: Girih-tile subdivision found in the decagonal girih pattern on a spandrel from the Darb-i Imam shrine, Isfahan, Iran (1453 C.E.). A subdivision rule to construct perfect quasi-crystalline tilings has been identified.
Image 2: Quasicrystal type patterns above an arch in the Abbasid al-Mustansiriyya Madrasa in Baghdad, Iraq, 1227
On-demand Interactive Education
I remember struggling to grasp complex numbers as a teen. My teacher, always short on time and impatient, couldn’t help. Now? Just ask an LLM, ‘Create an interactive tool to teach me complex numbers,’ chat for a few minutes, and boom—concept mastered. Total game-changer.
And of course this works for any topic, no matter how simple or complex.
Time is said to have only one dimension, and space to have three dimensions. ... The mathematical quaternion partakes of both these elements; in technical language it may be said to be "time plus space", or "space plus time": And in this sense it has, or at least involves a reference to, four dimensions. ... And how the One of Time, of Space the Three, Might in the Chain of Symbols girdled be. — William Rowan Hamilton (c. 1853)
Earth has 4 days simultaneously each rotation. You erroneously measure time from 1 corner.
What does the square root of "-1" and fairies have in common? They’re both imaginary… but that doesn't mean they aren't useful! 🧚