When you go out, go out with a bang

Hyper-Baʻal: "[With AI] we're actually creating things that can see everything, be everywhere, know everything, and maybe help us and guide us in a way that normally you would call God," Levandowski said.
It's later than you think! Hasten, therefore, to do the work of god... with AI
e/acc in a nutshell: “eschatological acceleration”
The controlled opposition comedy show must go on
Use any one of the great uncensored LLM's out there to rapidly develop killer psyops (psychological operations) campaigns, that incorporate these essential 6 tips for persuasive communication:
Ask the LLM for detailed campaign suggestions. Getting great results requires some prompt engineering. Using RAG with texts that you scrapped from your target audiences or fine-tuning models can help a lot. Once you are happy with the results, ask the LLM for a detailed distribution and dissemination plan.
This is just scratching the surfaces of what is possible in AI augmented persuasive communications domain.
Closed source LLMs are horrible for many reasons, chiefly cause they try to monopolize the right to many forms of AI augmented communications.
Is it a triumph or a tragedy that top western AI firms are merely psyops facades for the military-industrial complex? It could be comedic gold, if only the scripts and actors weren't so lackluster.
Many are feverishly working towards fully AI Generated audiovisual media. The more exciting opportunity that most are missing, is creating AI audiences that consume the endless synthetic content - so humans can go to the forest with friends and enjoy the peace.
#ML #Augmentation #Generative #Media #Nature #Philosophy #Culture #Comment
Step into the future with a career in Akashic field engineering. More rewarding and exhilarating than legacy AGI jobs. We are hiring non-locally. Apply now!
The decline of the octopus is opening unique opportunities to disrupt the balance of power. Large-scale p2p distributed information warfare networks augmented by weaponized open source AI capabilities, are an obvious and increasingly impactful factor.
Reasoning about AI generated media (audio, images, etc) focusing on traditional characteristics, such as the artistic quality of artefacts, is missing the point. Think of it through the lense of information warfare and infosec, and things start to make more sense.
“The geometry of the place was all wrong. One could not be sure that the sea and the ground were horizontal,” ― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu