Direct Experimental Evidence for String Theory

Butterflies accumulate enough static electricity to attract pollen without contact (Paper)
Butterflies and moths collect so much static electricity whilst in flight, that pollen grains from flowers can be pulled by static electricity across air gaps of several millimetres or centimetres.
"Switzerland federal government requires releasing its software as open source"
The announcement from the powerful Gnomes of Zurich Illuminati faction carries deep symbolic significance and far-reaching implications.
The notable absence of large-scale AI deep fake attacks on all Fortune 500 brands (targeted image & reputation tarnishing, etc.) and their executives (slander, blackmail, etc.) shows that controlling the channel is far more important than the message itself.
Chasing order through higher dimensional representations is ultimately a fool's errand. The wise master embraces chaos as the core of everything, knowing nothing is under control—then focuses on relaxing. Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
"Life will kill you. Then you'll be dead" - Warren Zevon
Viktor Shauberger observed implosive (collapse inward) energy of water, as opposed to explosive (collapse outward) energy. Life grows through a series of controlled implosive principles. Ancients mastered the way of water, ie the way of implosion.
A specter is haunting the world: the specter of multiple organizations conducting massive, covert digital twin simulations of large segments of the global population.
"Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention" - Richard Feynman
GII Science and Technology Clusters: Tokyo-Yokohama Tops Ranking; China Now Home to Greatest Number
All of the world’s five biggest science and technology (S&T) clusters are now located in East Asia, with Tokyo-Yokohama leading the ranking and China emerging as the country with the greatest number of clusters, according to an early release from the 2023 edition of WIPO’s Global Innovation Index (GII).
Today in the fall of western civilization: Argentina will use AI to ‘predict future crimes’ - The cyborg theocracy is pushing all its client states to implement their dystopian internet of bodies identity management stack, which is at the core of the post-capitalist managed "democracy" 2.0 project