Mutual Admiration

#Comment: The art of spending meaningful time with strangers, without the need for conversation, is an untapped opportunity—especially beyond video games.
A mom helping her kids beat a hard level in Super Mario Land, 1990s
Grok is great for Computational Comedy. Here is it generating "images of my wife" - I only asked for one, but thanks - and of me. It regularly will generate semi-pornographic images as well.
Nintendo completely sat out the video game graphics wars. It’s winning anyway. What Nintendo lacks in fancy pixels, it makes up for in dopamine. That’s why it basically prints money.
Nintendo is a money machine. It’s been raking in more than $10 billion in revenue (more than 1.6 trillion yen) annually for the past several years, and its profits have grown sharply, topping out at about $3.3 billion in the fiscal year ended March 2024.
According to NYU Professor Joost van Dreunen, it’s more accurate to look at Nintendo as a toy company rather than a gaming one. “If you look at Nintendo as a company, it's over 100 years old,” “It originally started as a trading-card game company,” he said, “and over the years really just identified itself as a toy maker. So everything that they do is colorful, it's accessible, it's fun. It's very easy to get into. Maybe not necessarily easy to master, but it's easy to get into their games.”
Instead of innovating on technology, Nintendo has mastered the dopamine-reward system. You get out of a Nintendo game exactly what you put into it. The actions you take in their games feel good and natural.
The misleadingly basic gameplay mechanics of today’s Nintendo games are the very same that launched the company into the sales stratosphere in the late 1980s and early ’90s. Press A to jump. Press B to punch. And if you press A to jump and then press B in the air, you perform a separate third move. That is to say that the B button behaves differently depending on the circumstance the character is in. It sounds remedial today, but the mechanics were so successful back then that entire franchises were born out of copying it.
"True meditation never stops. This is why there is nothing to do. No practice. simply be who you already are." - H.W.L Poonja Papaji
“Only love and death change all things.” - Khalil Gibran, “Sand and Foam”
Multi-timescale neural dynamics for multisensory integration
We propose that six main mechanisms of neural oscillations contribute to multi-timescale neural processing in multisensory (and unisensory) integration: Amplitude modulation, phase resetting, entrainment, phase-amplitude coupling, phase coupling; envelope coupling. (Source)