The fallacy of extrapolation: The Tendency to make huge predictions about the future on the basis of a few small facts.

Time, the enigmatic conductor of our existence, is not a mere linear progression. It behaves more like water, ever-changing and shaped by intricate dynamics, akin to the ebb and flow of the ocean's tides.
What some call "the economy" is in reality a ponzi scheme, wrapped in mafia operation, wrapped In a war zone, wrapped in a video game, wrapped in a high-speed car crash 🤡. Or as George Carlin once said "It's all bullshit, folks and it's bad for ya."
Phonosemantics from Bell Labs in 1926. "early technical investigation into visualisation of sound and voice patterns.
Spearheading Community Composting Of Food Waste In China
Through nearly five years of experiments, approximately 50 communities located in 22 provinces throughout China have participated in a national community composting program. Nearly half have continued.
"I asked the Bing AI image generator to make 'democracy vs authoritarianism' and I think it got confused..."
The CEO of RISC-V says that "possible government restrictions on the open-source technology will slow down the development of new and better chips, holding back the global technology industry"
Future historians will marvel at our era, dubbing it the 'Digital Dark Age', an epoch characterized by rampant closed source systems. They'll muse, in an era where open source is default, how we ever functioned in such a restricted technological and cultural landscape.
This remark by Adrian Frutiger (Swiss design legend, 1928 – 2015) on Typography is broadly true for product design in the age of AI. "Give room to breathe and allow for life."