
Was the GameStop Swarm Squeeze of 2021 just a tiny preview of things to come?
The Term "Weblog" Is 25 Years Old
The Wikipedia article for “Blog” says that the term was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997. Reading the Wikipedia article about Jorn Barger, we learn:
On December 17, 1997, inspired by Dave Winer's Scripting News and running on Winer's Frontier publishing software, Barger began posting daily entries to his Robot Wisdom Weblog in the hope of finding "an audience who might see the connections between [his] many interests." These postings featured "a list of links each day shaped by his own interests in the arts and technology," thus offering a "day-to-day log of his reading and intellectual pursuits” and coining the term "weblog" as a novel form of web publishing.
A “log of daily activities published on the web” became a “weblog” which then became a “blog”. I started what we now call “blogging” back in 2001 on a site called Robidog and been on and off blogging ever since, and since 2018 consistently on this site. Time flies. Happy Birthday to “weblog”!
"Simulation is the situation created by any system of signs when it becomes sophisticated enough, autonomous enough, to abolish its own referent and to replace it with itself." - Jean Baudrillard
Eating viruses can power growth, reproduction of microorganism: Researchers have discovered the first known "virovore," an organism that feeds on viruses. Probably there are many others like it -- an entire, previously unknown food chain.
FilterBubble Trap
The FilterBubble creates a tiny world of safety and security, but it also traps people in their own fears and anxieties. By only allowing people to see what they want to see, it can limit their understanding of the world and lead to a lack of empathy for those different from them. It also creates an “echo chamber” of sorts, in which people only hear their own opinions and views reinforced and never have a chance to learn and explore different perspectives. (This text was generated by GPT3)
Today in the fall of civilization: AI "Friends" (and what ReplikaAI's vision is for them) 🤡
Fun things DARPA and the DoD have in store for us this year
WARDEN - to amplify the range and lethality of high-power microwave systems
Rapid Healing for Warfighter Injuries - leveraging artificial intelligence to predict, stimulate, and control physiological processes in complex tissues
NSIA - non-surgical machine interface technology to input multiple channels of information into neural tissue *currently in final testing/transition to implementation phase*
***AAI*** - facilitation of operator-machine interface, knowledge management and dissemination, and social context-informed AI forecasting, including focus on measuring and aggregating PRECONSCIOUS SIGNALS and how these can be used to determine what people believe to be true
Oversight - implementation of automated satellite-based programming to maintain custody (constant surveillance) of "targets" in contested environments, interfacing with IoT infrastructure to supplement satellite capability
Sema - For the use of AI/machine learning to identify "false information", its origin, and its intent
ASIST - development of computational agents (AI) that demonstrate human social intelligence which can be utilized with high trust/acceptance in complex environments
Human Social Systems - development of algorithms to conduct scalable social and behavioral science research, especially pertaining to environments under stress, for use in "stabilization, deterrence, grey zone, and influence operations"
SocialSim - simulation of information spread and evolution over multiple global social media platforms for use in US information campaign spread and development of realistic, synthetic social media for training and other purposes
ASED - "counter-social engineering bots" that act on behalf of users to mediate and aggregate communications and auto-identify attackers
Competing in Undergoverned Spaces - development of data aggregate/algorithmic models for predicting and influencing outcome in areas with minimal governance, both physical and conceptual (virtual)
INCAS - integration of language processing, social network analysis, psychographics, and behavioral science-based technologies into a unified automated digital tool designed to rapidly detect and understand messaging campaigns and analyze/distil potential counter-measures
QAnon Radicalization Pathways (*Method applicable to any other current online social engineering effort)